When was Masking Tape invented?
We have partnered with 3M to share how masking tape was created!
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September 7, 2023 at 8:40:10 AM PDT September 7, 2023 at 8:40:10 AM PDTth, September 7, 2023 at 8:40:10 AM PDT
Do you like learning about how different products were invented? We have partnered with 3M to share how masking tape was created!
Who was Richard Gurley Drew?
Richard Drew was born in St. Paul, Minnesota on June 22, 1899. He attended the University of Minnesota before working as a lab technician for 3M, then a sandpaper manufacturer.
Drew was testing an abrasive sample at an autobody shop and noticed that painters were having issues with paint bleed-through while painting new automobiles.
His idea for masking the car parts led to the invention of Scotch® brand masking tape and started a new product line for 3M.
Five years after Scotch® masking tape was invented, Drew developed the transparent Scotch® cellophane tape.
According to the National Inventors Hall of Fame, this was considered a major asset during the Great Depression. It became a popular tool for repairing ripped, torn, or broken items rather than buying new ones.
What was next for 3M?
With the invention of Scotch® masking tape in 1925, 3M kicked off a whole line of tape solutions for surface protection and conformability. 3M masking tape products offer adhesive holding power and line sharpness to meet different application requirements for every application.